Please let us know your contact information: Frist Name: Last Name: Email: Company: Address: City State: Zip; Phone: Ext: Fax: Set 1 - Facility Details How many years has your company been in business? How many employees does your business have? How many office employees? How many technicians? Does your facility have installation bays? Yes No If so, how many? What is the size of your building (in sq./ft)? Does your facility have computers? Yes No Does your facility have Internet access? Yes No Does your business currently employ any outside sales representatives? Yes No If so, how many? Does your company have a vehicle designed to do off-site installations? Yes No If so, how many? Is your company a member of any service associations? Yes No What are your hours of operation? Does your facility have a technical help phone line? Yes No Set 2 - Environmental Products Does your facility currently service, install, maintain any environmental products that require special removal/disposal techniques? Yes No In the past year, has your company experienced any inquiries for diesel particulate filters? Is your company aware of the regulations regarding diesel particulate filters (DPF)? Yes No Is your facility currently servicing/installing/cleaning/working with DPF’s? Yes No If so, which DPF manufacturers do you work with? Does your facility already have DPF cleaning machines? Yes No If so who’s machines? Set 3 - Facility Capabilities and Employee Skill Set What is the average age of your working technicians? What is the average in field job experience of those technicians? Can your employees fabricate parts? Yes No tig weld? Mig weld? Do any of the employees possess the ability to design/sketch system applications? Yes No What is the hourly shop rate? Set 4 - Current Business What percentage of your sales are parts based? Service Based? What diesel exhaust manufacturers do you currently by products from? Which product lines do you support? Of the aforementioned product lines, which do you find to be the most successful?
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